Remaining Classed Wildlife Habitat (7)
| Remaining Habitat |
| Protected Habitat |
| Developed Area |
Tax Lots and Remaining Habitat (59)
| Remaining Habitat Inside Riparian |
| Remaining Habitat Only |
| Tax Lot Only |
Remaining Habitat and Riparian (60)
| Remainaing Habitat Inside Riparian |
| Remaining Habitat Only |
| Riparian Only |
Protected Habitat and Riparian (61)
| Protected Habitat Inside Riparian |
| Protected Habitat Only |
| Riparian Only |
Developed Area and Riparian (0)
| Developed Area Inside Riparian |
| Developed Area Only |
| Riparian Only |
Remaining Habitat InOut of Riparian (58)
| RH Inside Riparian |
| RH Outside Riparian |
CP Boundary (47)
| Aloha |
| Bethany |
| Bull Mountain |
| Cedar Hills |
| East Hillsboro |
| Metzger |
| None |
| Raleigh Hills |
| Sherwood |
| Sunset |
| West Tigard |
| West Union |
CP_Boundaries_2018_Analysis_Area_Point (8)
Title13_Riparian_I_II_UUA_Dis (9)
| Class I |
| Class II |
Title 13 - Inventory (29)
| Class I |
| Class II |
Allow Limit Prohibit (10)
| Lightly Limit Non Class I or II Resource |
| Moderately Limit |
| Strictly Limit |
Goal 5 - Significant Natural Resources (11)
| Water Areas and Wetlands |
| Water-Related Fish and Wildlife Habitat |
| Open Space |
| Upland/Wildlife Habitat |
| Significant Natural Areas |
| Protected Goal 5 Resource/Safe Harbor |
| Significant Natural Resource Areas (CHCM) |
Title 13 - Habitat conservation areas (12)
| High value |
| Moderate value |
| Low Value - Allow current development practices |